H2020-SME Instrument: the novelties 2018-2020. Focus on "Impact" and "Freedom to Operate"

The Turin Chamber of Commerce, coordinator of the European Enterprise Europe Network for the North-West of Italy, organizes a meeting to illustrate the latest 2018-20 work-program of the “SME Instrument”, the financing measure within the program European framework Horizon 2020 for companies that develop innovation (product, service, process and business model) in order to gain competitiveness in international markets.

Centro Congressi Torino Incontra, Sala Giolitti, via Nino Costa 8.

In particular, the issues related to the market impact and the freedom to operate (Freedom to Operate-FtO) will be addressed, which are fundamental concepts for those wishing to write a project proposal within the SME Instrument. The event will be attended by the National Contact Point for the European SME and Access to finance program, market impact and FtO experts with experience in the H2020-SME Facility, as well as SME tool winning companies that will bring their experience on the issues covered by the meeting.

Categorie: Events