Today’s climate change and greenhouse effect (CO2) are growing and many nations are going into action to empower renewable energies, in order to respect Kyoto Protocol and 2020 Protocol. More and more nations are moving towards renewable energy plants due to increasing demand of energy, impossibility of building energy plants that do not comply their policies and increasing awareness of sustainable transport.

Solar technologies and solar farms need space and it translates into land consumption. FNX project, developed by VT Energy Innovation, will show new panoramas in photovoltaic development. Our primary objective is to reduce solar energy cost, to expand the field of application of solar concentration systems and to increase competitiveness in self-consumption, mini-grid and off-grid market.

We can do that with the installation of pre-manufactured and roof-mounted systems on industrial and commercial buildings, thanks to an innovative biaxial solar tracker with tangential movement. The system, combined with CPVT technologies, will guarantee greater energy production with the same coverage occupied by a flat panel system.

Today’s climate change and greenhouse effect (CO2) are growing and many nations are going into action to empower renewable energies, in order to respect Kyoto Protocol and 2020 Protocol. More and more nations are moving towards renewable energy plants due to increasing demand of energy, impossibility of building energy plants that do not comply their policies and increasing awareness of sustainable transport.

Solar technologies and solar farms need space and it translates into land consumption. FNX project, developed by VT Energy Innovation, will show new panoramas in photovoltaic development. Our primary objective is to reduce solar energy cost, to expand the field of application of solar concentration systems and to increase competitiveness in self-consumption, mini-grid and off-grid market.

We can do that with the installation of pre-manufactured and roof-mounted systems on industrial and commercial buildings, thanks to an innovative biaxial solar tracker with tangential movement. The system, combined with CPV technologies, will guarantee greater energy production with the same coverage occupied by a flat panel system.

In order to guarantee the achievement of the project objectives, the work plan is organized in 9 work packages grouped in:

  • Project Management, through WP1
  • Scientific and Technical, Demonstration: 
    • WP2 – definition of reference scenarios and application of the FNX project, thus generating the functional requirements that form the basis for the following work packages.
    • WP3 – deals with the design of the FNX product.
      • Task 3.1 – optical design.

      • Task 3.2 – receiver design.

      • Task 3.3 – planning solar tracker.
    • WP4 – focuses on the design of digital tools.
    • WP5 – addresses production technologies and process design to produce FNX modules.
    • WP6 – describes the design and configuration of the production infrastructure for the production of FNX modules.
    • WP7 – focuses on integration and life cycle management.
  • Dissemination and exploitation activities:
    • WP8 – deals with the installation, configuration and demonstration of the FNX system in two scenarios in real context.
    • WP9 – covers dissemination and exploitation activities to enhance the adoption of the FNX solution in future renewable energy production initiatives.

The FNX system boasts two innovations.

The first is characterized by an innovative concept of movement for solar trackers, called Tangential Tracking.

the second is the use of an emerging photovoltaic technology, employing the use of triple-junction cells with a higher efficiency than traditional silicon cells.

The main features of the superior quality of the FNX system.

More power in the same space occupied by traditional photovoltaic systems. Thermal energy production.

Elegant design with extraordinary integration, for car charging systems or on-site hydrogen production systems.